Monday, April 7, 2014

B & A Monday

Happy Monday!
If you know me, then you know I have been known to pick up items here and there from sometimes questionable sources.  My poor husband cringes when I say something like "Oh honey, turn around,  those people had a great looking chair with their trash, I think we should get it.  Don't judge me, k.  Because I am also a clean freak I go to great lengths to bring said "item" up to "code".

Someone right down the street from me had this window at the curb.  I couldn't pass it up.  So I brought it home, tested the paint for lead, sanded and repainted it. (pay no mind to the dying plant in the photo)

Then I added a vinyl branch and a couple birds & Voilá.  The only thing that would make this ending happier would be if I had gotten this cute little window for free...oh wait,  It was!
Have a lovely day.
